Neighborhood design and development

  • Indicateur
Design, aménagement


Neighborhood design and development is part of the “built environment” subdimension. Neighborhoods are living environments, and the choices that go into developing them have a big impact on people’s quality of life and well-being. PULSAR looks at the various types of built environments and spatial organization at the neighborhood level with a view to assessing their influence on residents’ sustainable health.

Committee approach

The committee has just begun its work on this aspect. Information will be added soon.


Étienne Berthold
Department of Geography, FFGG

Johanne Brochu
Graduate School of Land Use Planning and Regional Development, FAAAD

Geneviève Cloutier
Graduate School of Land Use Planning and Regional Development, FAAAD

Alexandre Lebel
Graduate School of Land Use Planning and Regional Development, FAAAD

André Potvin
School of Architecture, FAAAD

Éric Robitaille
Centre de référence sur l’environnement bâti et la santé, INSPQ

Owen Waygood
Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal


PULSAR has developed a conceptual framework for exploring and identifying the best ways to measure and evaluate specific aspects of sustainable health. This framework makes it possible to take stock of existing tools and measures and categorize and classify them according to various criteria such as ease of use, complexity, and implementation cost. Once established by consensus by our committees, this system will provide a quick overview of the tools and measures proposed by PULSAR for each dimension of interest. The conceptual framework is re-evaluated annually to allow the committees to make improvements so it can be used to develop multiple indicators of sustainable health.

Contact PULSAR

Want to study neighborhood design and development as part of your research projects, contact experts on the team, participate in our research on assessing this aspect of sustainable health, or simply learn more? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help!