The results of this project will build the foundation for the implementation of a mammography screening approach based on individual risk rather than on age alone. This personalized approach will contribute to a better balance between the benefits and harms of breast cancer screening.
The PERSPECTIVE project aims to evaluate a new mammography screening strategy that takes into account each woman’s individual risk of breast cancer. Using an innovative tool that combines genetic information with information on different risk factors, it will be possible to assess and determine the risk category of each woman. A screening action plan adapted to each risk category will then be proposed to the participants.
For this purpose, 5,000 Quebec women between the ages of 40 and 69 will be recruited. Participants simply have to fill out a questionnaire that will allow the collection of information related to a number of risk factors for breast cancer. Their mammogram will provide breast density measures while genetic markers will be analyzed from their saliva sample. After the results are returned to participants, they will then be asked to complete two follow-up questionnaires.
The PERSPECTIVE study is a large-scale research project involving more than 20 researchers from Quebec, Canada as well as internationally. The principal investigators of PERSPECTIVE are Jacques Simard, Full Professor at the Department of Molecular Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine at Université Laval, and Anna Maria Chiarelli, Professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.
Project Leader
Faculty of Medicine
Université Laval
Co-Project Leader
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine
McGill University
Faculty of Medicine
Université Laval
Faculty of Medicine
Université Laval
Programme québécois de cancérologie
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Faculty of Pharmacy
Université Laval
Faculty of Medicine
Université McGill
Faculty of Medicine
Université Laval
Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Université Laval