Mental health in the workplace

  • Indicateur
Santé mentale au travail


Mental health in the workplace is a complex issue that has a major influence on the mental health status and well-being of individuals, and is part of the “work environment” subdimension. Work, including its conditions, contexts, and nature, can have a positive effect as well as a negative effect on the mental health of individuals (Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), 2019). Burn-out, anxiety disorders and depression are the most common mental health issues in the workplace (Government of Quebec, 2018). These conditions have significant consequences on presenteeism, absenteeism and employee retention. In fact, the MHCC (2018) estimates that each week in Canada, approximately half a million individuals are absent from work due to mental health problems or mental illness.

Committee approach

The committee has just begun its work on this aspect. Information will be added soon.


Caroline Biron
Department of Management, FSA

Chantal Brisson
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, FMED

Julie Dextras-Gauthier
Department of Management, FSA

Marie-Hélène Gilbert
Department of Management, FSA

Daniel Prud'homme
Department of Industrial Relations, FSS

Manon Truchon
School of Psychology, FSS

Xavier Trudel
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, FMED

Michel Vézina
Biological Risks and Occupational Health Division, INSPQ
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, FMED

Simon Viviers
Department of Foundations and Practices in Education, FSÉ


PULSAR has developed a conceptual framework for exploring and identifying the best ways to measure and evaluate specific aspects of sustainable health. This framework makes it possible to take stock of existing tools and measures and categorize and classify them according to various criteria such as ease of use, complexity, and implementation cost. Once established by consensus by our committees, this system will provide a quick overview of the tools and measures proposed by PULSAR for each dimension of interest. The conceptual framework is re-evaluated annually to allow the committees to make improvements so it can be used to develop multiple indicators of sustainable health.

Contact PULSAR

Want to study mental health in the workplace as part of your research projects, contact experts on the team, participate in our research on assessing this aspect of sustainable health, or simply learn more? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help!